Party Favor & Zooly – MEOW


Party Favor hooked up with Zooly to drop a banging Twerk tune that heavily samples cat noises (yes, you read that correctly). The song starts off with a solid 100bpm build before we get hit with a deep “MEOW” and a bunch of chopped and distorted cat meows. “PURR” comes next and gets a similar treatment. The track breaks, slows and builds giving you just enough time to regain your composure and write “WTF!?”, “:O” or something of the sort in the SoundCloud comments section. It comes back once again with some serious bump and cat samples. The song is reminiscent of Dillon Francis and Kill the Noise collaboration Meowski666 – Meow Machine. I expect a wide range of reactions on this from “this is amazing” to “what the f*ck is this garbage.” Let us know your opinion below.

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