Purge Impress With Stellar Debut ‘Feel Your Love’ 

by Colin

In today’s musical landscape you never know when the next great producer or production duo will appear, seemingly out of nowhere. Proving this true once more comes the debut release from faceless production duo PURGE. There’s little info available on them, but what is abundantly evident is their level of talent and potential. Feel Your Love gives listeners a two track taste of what may be to come from the two Americans. The title track blends an emotional appeal with an inventive future bass-esq sound. I say future bass-esq because this isn’t your typical, recycled sound. This a breathe of fresh air on a cold night. It fills your body with oxygen, let’s you know you’re alive but hits with a slight tinge of pain. ‘Hit Em’ leaves all emotion at the door, replacing the emotion of its predecessor with pure darkness. It’s a demon ripping out of the dungeons on a warpath. The first drop has it tearing its way out of its underground prison in search of life. A guitar line and some steady drums help to calm the scene before it comes back even harder. Devilish vocal chops and abusive percussion collide for a sound that’s primed to knock you over. The finale sees things further bent and distorted with a pulsing kick drum that’ll rattle your entire being. Stream both tracks below and be sure to grab the free downloads. Look out for PURGE, they got next.

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