On Our Radar: Pools

by Kash

I have a love-hate relationship with SoundCloud. It’s notorious for stripping tracks and its plans to further monetize the platform are shitty. However, I love SoundCloud for what it lets me do almost everyday, discover new music. I skipped out of work early today because well, why not? As soon as I got home, I lifted the screen on my laptop and opened my go-to tabs on Chrome – SC being one of them. I scrolled through the stream and came across a name I hadn’t seen previously. It was new so naturally, I clicked play. To my delight, the beat was smooth and laid back plus it featured a vocal melody that tempted me to sing along. Then, the beat was done, the song had finished and I was left wondering who this artist was. A single click later I was on Pools page listening to every song that dropped as far back as two months ago. After about three plays of each joint, I found another artist to put on our radar.

Pools, stylized as pools, has very little information available on his social networks. The only information that is really available is that Pools can make some good music. One of the joints titled ‘windows’ is a massive hit if you ask me and keeping it at less than a minute and a half makes you want to press play all over again. Perfect for one of our Viibes playlists, Pools captures emotion and what seems like moments in his music rather than filling his beats with extravagant drum patterns and synths too loud to enjoy. Pools has a midsize following on SoundCloud which is set to grow tenfold soon as long as the music stays consistent. I can see Pools doing some great things very soon. For now you can listen to some of his tracks below and follow him on Twitter here.

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