New Zealand’s Eastern Bloc bring Jersey to the Shore

by Kash

I experienced Jersey Club for the first time through simple research and some solid recommendations from FUXWITHIT Co-Founder Colin. It wasn’t until I experienced it at one of Toronto’s best venues (The Hoxton) that I became a fan. Jersey Club fused almost any track with a up tempo drum arrangement and usually a nasty vocal chop. Each time it was done differently but its distinct sound really carved a new genre in the electronic music game. Eastern Bloc comprised of two friends from New Zealand just dropped off a new banger titled ‘Pop Like’ and this might be the perfect introduction to Jersey Club if you’re new to it. The duo crafts pounding beats and combines them with a vocal chop that is so catchy you’ll be rocking with it less than 20 seconds into the track. With an EP dropping later this year you can expect more gems from the Eastern Bloc but for now jam out to ‘Pop Like’.

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