Murk your brain with this video from NXT LVL

by Kevin G

Hip-hop and dubstep have threads in common: Boom-bap rhythm, prominent basslines, and an inherent “up yours” attitude. You might even bring the same things to a show: Bandanas, earplugs, sleeveless shirts, cash, a notebook for all those phone numbers you’ll get for wearing a Toronto Is Everything tee. Shucks, you might even remember the last time you scrambled into (or out of) a mosh pit.

Where these two experiences split tracks, though, is in the near-fanatical reverence of the dubstep crowd towards one thing: Bass. And there was plenty of it at NXT LVL, last Friday’s brain-bender hosted by the venerable Toronto Bass Community, with local talent Hydee and ZWZ opening up for international acts Must Die!, Eptic, and dubstep OG SKisM.

Instead of describing the hectic experience to you, I made a short video. The music is loud and the footage is poorly-lit and grainy, ends abruptly, and frankly doesn’t make much sense… which is exactly what it was like to be there.

For more TBC events – and healthy discussions of all things bass – check out their facebook page.

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