Earlier this year Lido connected with the Norwegian Radio Orchesta (KORK) for an unforgettable performance. When we spoke to him, he discussed the performance in detail saying, “we worked on that show for about six months, writing all the sheet music, reinterpreting the songs for the orchestra and I’m so fortunate to have worked with them. They are the most open-minded classical musicians I’ve ever seen in my life. I think that performance is probably the most emotional performance I’ve had, probably in my whole life. In the orchestra there were 56 musicians and the vibrations from 56 human beings coming together to create something that once was a though in your head, is a feeling beyond anything I can describe. There is something so powerful about that.” Unfortunately up until now there were only two videos (see below) available to document this. Thankfully we have just been blessed with a full length video of the show, which can be streamed over at NRK TV. Trust me, this is worth every minute of your time.