With the release of ‘Spiritwars’ Jameston Thieves further proves to be one of the top innovators in the bass music realm. The track opens with a trippy vocal sample and some killer guitar riffs. It’s a trippy sound that feels like you dropped something a few hours ago and somehow ended up in the desert. As your trip intensifies the voice in your head becomes distorted and more intense and then bam! You’re not in the desert anymore, but hurtling through outer space at 1000km per hour, drifting by planets while your mind tries to make sense of the intensity. A record is pulled back and you return to the desert wondering what just occurred. As you wipe the sweat from your brow, you feel the intensity build once more before being transported into some crazy hyper-dimension. As you awake from the wild trip you ask yourself, “what the fuck just happened?” Only to snap out of your daze and realize you just got lost in ‘Spiritwars’. Delve in below and grab that free download courtesy of Pantheon.
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