Apashe Gives Inspiring Nod to Kapaernick with ‘Do It’

by Mekabeth

Apashe is back rattling rib cages and paying homage to Colin Kapaernick.

‘Do It’ featuring Black Prez is fierce track that bares all of its teeth. This is classic Apashe style: dense bass, thick wubs, and frothy snares. Black Prez spits his verses with a nonchalant cool that tips on arrogance, but holds back with pride. The horn samples bellow as they crescendo over crunchy bass that whips up into a steady frenzy; so many seamless transitions between calm build ups, thudding drops, and powerful breaks. Apashe shows off his mastery, and makes us salivate for his upcoming performances with Black Tiger Sex Machine on Part II Ceremony Tour.

At its peak ‘Do It’ tempers like an anthem for pure aggression but it is really song of determination that is as inspiring as Kapearnick’s movement. Listen to the end to get the complete picture of this ferocious banger’s muse.

Check it out below

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