PIERCE Starts a Cryptic Story with ‘Tyrant’


PIERCE is on the verge of telling a dark tale through his upcoming EP, FLESH—but before its full release, he’s giving it to us in doses. The first piece of this sonic puzzle takes place as the Uber arrives.

After a quick “chat” with the Uber driver, the song takes off into a hard-hitting, bass-loaded cruise. The ride comes packed with state-of-the-art vocals, with the finest autotune-up available, and all-wheel bass. The full tale, off the SoundCloud page, is as follows:

PIERCE enters the Uber evading madness behind him, proceeding to put on headphones and listen to his own music. In the streets chaos ensues but PIERCE is safe inside tuning out the outside world with his fierce music. As the song come to the end the car abruptly stops where he gets knocked out and dragged away by the captors.

‘Tyrant’ is a self-released track, and the full EP is set to follow soon! Stay tuned for more, to find out what happens next.

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