KRIMER’s Latest Black Label Release ‘Boss’ Packs a Serious Punch

by A. Samuel Lewis

Montreal, Canada native Simon Bertrand, more commonly known as KRIMER, has remained at the forefront of the bass scene, continually advancing the complexity of his sound design over the past 6 years. Timeless solo releases such as ‘Die’ and ‘Switch’, in addition to a phenomenal arsenal of official remixes for the likes of Downlink, Midnight Tyrannosaurus, and LAXX have allowed the Never Say Die Records veteran to perpetuate his imprint within the dubstep genre.

KRIMER’s Black Label release ‘Boss’ further demonstrates his tactful ability to span multiple genres within one song. Incorporating a rampage of aggressive APASHE-esque horns to build momentum, he transitions seamlessly into a meaty pre-drop vocal, which introduces an onslaught of vicious bass. Expertly designed mix-downs and impeccably timed vocal breaks provide rare moments of solace from the imminent incursion of bass.

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