PREMIERE: LITLBIRD’s ‘Gasp’ Is Stunning & Unparalleled

by Alessio Anesi

Imagine yourself inside St. Peter’s Cathedral. The closing hour for public has now passed. While everything is wrapped in semi-darkness, you can still catch a glimpse of the grandiose colonnade, the giant transept and the immense dome. The masterpieces born from the legendary hands of Michelangelo, Raphael and Giotto are your only companions and the silence is absolute. An aux is plugged into your phone and you have to chance to play one single song from your library at full volume in this scenario. What do you do?

To be honest, I admit that, until yesterday, my pick would have been one and only one: the infamous THX intro.

But, you know, things change and, today this iconic sample is dethroned by the LA boy that we all know as LITLBIRD. ‘Gasp’ released on Sound Museum is not just the pinnacle of the upcoming EXHIBITION compilation but also of an entire genre. ‘Gasp’ is a hymn, a panegyric to bass music, a movement from a dystopian electronic requiem that celebrates the death of the pop’s triviality. It’s not your average trap or wave track. It’s something that steps aside from our daily listening routine (at least mine) and sets up a stunning, unparalleled, show apart.

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