Laxcity Blesses Us With Enlightened Debut Album ‘Catharsis’

by Alessio Anesi

ca•thar•sis: the relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through a work of art, as of tragedy.

/kəˈθɑrsɪs/:the relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya wyoyrk of art, as of tragedy

A star is born ladies and gentlemen. Please stand up in front of your screens or wherever you are and give a standing ovation to the brightest star in the web firmament right now. In 2018, Joshua Mbewe aka Laxcity broke out of his Soundcloud shell for good, overflowing the entire web with his “exquisite downtempo” signature, reaching prestigious slots on Billboard’s pages, Majestic Casual’s channel, Apple Music and Spotify playlists and Ekali’s Awakening mixes among others. While his manager affirms that “the project is still in its infancy,” Catharsis is, a thoroughbred work of art that projects Laxcity directly in the producers’ pantheon.

Our world is full of beautiful music, but you can travel to the four corners of Earth and through the seven seas, but you won’t find anyone speaking the musical language in the same way as Laxcity. His sound is one of a kind, at the same time so peculiar and distinctive but very homey and inclusive for even the casual listener. The bottomless difference among his pure handcrafted style and the dispassionate copy-and-paste garbage that rules out there is comparable to the quality gap between Mom’s legendary homemade cakes and McDonald’s ones. Catharsis is not only an aesthetic piece of art, it involves you in its experience and invites you to dig inside yourself. It’s like having an open and intimate talk with your best mate where, in a whisper, he honestly opens up about himself and confesses his fears, desires, beliefs.

A huge shoutout goes to Josh, for being such a genuine and amazing artist and for being a model for us all. Thank you.

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