The Smile High Club Drop Wildly Entertaining ‘ELEMENTS VOL. 7’

by Steph Contant

First established as a private group to share new sounds in the electronic music scene, The Smile High Club has quickly evolved into a community focused on sharing new music from around the world. Through a series of ELEMENTS compilations and weekly Smile High Radio installments, The Smile High Club has become a platform for up-and-coming talents to showcase their unique talents. Despite being a little late to the party, we’re super stoked to share the seventh chapter of their compilation series today.

“In analytical psychology, Nigredo became a metaphor for the dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within.” While remaining true to this theme, The Smile High Club‘s ELEMENTS VOL. 7: Nigredo compilation goes much further beyond that. Its introductory tracks such as Abelation‘s ‘Too Simple’ and FRQ NCY‘s ‘Hysteria’ up to Lou?‘s ‘Faced’ dive deep into this darkness through gritty beats and rugged synths. The confrontation of the shadow within is depicted between Perikardium‘s ‘Fade Away’ and Ruairi Dx‘s ‘Marco’, where a touch of liveliness and groove is introduced into the compilation to drive the dark night away. As the compilation progresses, listeners are shown the bright side of life through a variety of genres, where the common theme is bouncy vibes and cheery melodies.

In an epic chronological journey, the artists in this latest The Smile High Club compilation paint an incredibly enjoyable story through a plethora of masterfully produced tracks. Every song stands out on its own as a work of art, while also coalescing into a sonic expedition. Don’t miss ELEMENTS VOL. 7: Nigredo below.

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