FRQ NCY’s Latest Will Have Your ‘Cockpit Shakin’’

by A. Samuel Lewis

One facet of Atlanta’s bolstering underground electronic music scene, FRQ NCY has steadily accumulated a nearly cult-like following as a tribute to the depth and precision of freeform, at times intergalactic bass that he composes.

As depicted in his standalone EP The Apex Effect, FRQ NCY possesses the uncanny ability to devise massive soundscapes utilizing minimal, peculiar components to craft an insatiable, wonky cadence within each track. Building on this groove, his latest ‘Cockpit Shakin” leverages a simple snap-kick beat as the foundation for an entire galaxy of laser-like synths and space risers to take shape.

Needless to say, FRQ NCY’s latest will take your next Uber trip to Mars to a whole new level. Be sure to show some love on SoundCloud to unlock the free download for ‘Cockpit Shakin’ ‘.

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