Meso and Camnah Craft Mind Abducting ‘Jroc’

by Alex Bell

As of late, Meso and the rest of the Spicybois ferocious lineup of artists have been on a war path of sonic destruction. Coming fresh off the heels of the announcement of their takeover at the inaugural Wakaan Festival at Mulberry Mountain Arkansas, now just this past weekend they had one of their tracks played out by the legendary Canadian duo Zeds Dead. Today, Meso and Connecticut’s own Zachary Camner, or Camnah, have tag-teamed a wub-fueled monstrosity titled ‘Jroc’.

If Alice in Wonderland needed a musical face lift, ‘Jroc’ would absolutely be the theme song. It’s one part wiggle-inducing alien sounds, and 2 parts hilarious Trailer Park Boys reference, as the name and vocal samples come from a popular character on the show. Listening to this song on repeat for extended periods of time will induce a light coma coupled with rolled back eyes and an elegant pile of drool as the listener’s consciousness is whisked away on an interstellar vacation through sound and space. Pull up to the loading dock of your mental spaceship with this cued in your playlist and prepare for the wild ride you’re about to embark on.

Check out ‘Jroc’ in all its glory for yourself below!

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