Noizon Bodies All In Sight With Latest ‘Fallout’

by Alex Bell

Nevada local Brandon Sedano, also known as Noizon, has been eviscerating fans of excessively heavy dubstep ears’ for the better part of a year now, throwing his hat in with the swiftly ascending The Missing Links. Making it readily apparent that he is willing to serve up only the most vicious of beats, he’s racked up a body count from his frequencies so massive that even Genghis Khan would scoff at the lunacy. Now, he’s loaded up another sonic artillery shell into his arsenal in the form of ‘Fallout,’ a piece that has total disregard for human life.

The endgame aesthetic is palpable from the get-go, distant bells and unsettling sirens setting the vibe of complete despair before an old-school TV voice lures you in. If your curiosity wasn’t the only thing that was spiked before, strap-in because your adrenal glands are about to kick into hyper drive.The first drop doesn’t immediately hit, feeling like your watching your imminent demise with no power whatsoever to change your fate. But, once your caught in its clutches, there’s no turning back, your body acting like an overly aggressive rag doll. If the first drop wasn’t hard enough, the 2nd will have you audibly mouthing “what the actual fuck,” no possible way to fathom what just occurred.

Noizon’s 2019 was one of major success, with him able to really find his signature sound and build upon it with tremendous amounts of growth. With quality release after quality release, and his continued work with the talented crew at The Missing Links, he’ll surely be one to keep an eye on this coming year for all fans of dangerously heavy material. For now, check out his latest monstrosity ‘Fallout’ for yourself below, and grab a free download here!

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