PREMIERE: Blurrd vzn Drip Sonic Swag With ‘Ballerz VIP’

by Alex Bell

San Diego boys Blurrd vzn have been slicing and dicing heavily experimental beats for the better part of a year now, garnering major support from Spicy Bois head honcho MeSo amongst others. With a focus on individuality and broadcasting their sound to as many ears as possible, they’ve honed their productions to pristine condition. Wild, weird, and wonderful, their tracks will catch you off balance, making a permanent lean on your vertebrae. Today, we’ve had the pleasure of premiering a variation to their very first release ‘Ballerz,’ with the titanic ‘Ballerz VIP.’

You’re immediately welcomed into this track with a dark, ominous tone, quickly followed by the introduction of the vocals “ballers can’t compare to this Gucci wristband, I walk in the club with a couple couple couple grand, don’t give me bad looks I’ll give you the backhand.” Getting the backhand is exactly what you’ll receive, as the first drop is tremendously large, the very last vocals being “ballers can’t compare,” and that’s the absolute truth. Get out your rain boots because this track isn’t dripping, but rather pouring swag forth from each note. With a mixture of aggressive experimental undertones and trappy switch-ups, this piece will surely send you into a frenzy. An alien voice states “what the fuck” right before the 2nd drop, a warning that your consciousness is about to take an express joyride in a UFO straight to saucy flavor-town.

With only a few released tracks and an already concrete aesthetic, Blurrd vzn have the chance to expand upon their already impressive stylings in any way they choose. If their latest release is any indication of what they have coming next, all fans of hard and alien bass music are in for a major treat. But for today, make sure to check out their ‘Ballerz VIP’ for yourself below and grab a free download!

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