PREMIERE: Stereotype & ELEX’s ‘Tengoku’ Is Heavenly

by Colin

‘Tengoku’ is Japanese for heaven. A pretty powerful title choice for a song, but Stereotype and ELEX‘s new collab proves to be more than worthy. Opening with chirping birds, engrossing bass tones and a delightedly upbeat vocal sample, ‘Tengoku’ is bursting with bright light, optimism and beauty. The first drop pairs uplifting chords with stunningly captivating vocal bends for a sound that’s pure bliss. “When we wrote the song one of the inspirations for us was the holiness in paradise and how easy it is to ruin something pure like holiness. That’s why the song is so elegant and emotional even in the heavy parts,” Stereotype tell us.

It is elegant indeed but it also gets quite gritty. “The last part represents the grind in our life in order to get to the goals we desire ‘The Heaven.’ The whole concept of ‘The Heaven’ is basically the place that every one of us wants to be in. And we all know if it was easy everyone would do it,” they explain. The second drop embodying the grind is heavy-hitting and filthy with flourishes of light and elegance. Perfectly balancing magnificent beauty and the grittiness of the grind to attain it, ‘Tengoku’ is a wonderful work. Experience it below. Out now on Tribal Trap.

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