Freddy Todd Unerringly Melds Genres in ‘Dig A Hole’

by A. Samuel Lewis

A Detroit-born artistic kaleidoscope, Freddy Todd’s style simply cannot be condensed to a single genre. Spanning from experimental bass to glitch-funk, Todd’s past antiquity performing in the live band Tone Poets, as well as his Motown roots, have left a vivid impression that is clearly delineated in the breadth and diversity of Todd’s current production efforts.

Teasing fans with a hand-cut selection from his forthcoming Fredcrumbs EP, ‘Dig A Hole’ is as multiform in nature as Todd’s style itself. Gripping plunges of audible dissonance present a taunting welcome to the track as overwhelming suspense disperses throughout the build. A sudden fragmented vocal sample from Yo Majesty’s ‘Club Action’ launches the track into a puzzling contrast of jagged, saw-like synths, and patches of gritty bass disrupted intermittently by lively serenades of steely percussion. The tone tapers from audible chaos into prophetic harmony in the matter of a mere instant as an oddly prophetic melody lifts the track to a conclusion.

Be sure to take ‘Dig A Hole’ for a spin below in anticipation of the full Fredcrumbs EP release on February 28th!

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