Chee Decimates Everything Along His Path In ‘Vultures’

by Steph Contant

Chee‘s end to 2019 hinted at an onslaught of new music in 2020. Riding high from singles such as ‘Monsterfy,’ a remix for Mad Zach and a collaborative VIP with Subtronics, the South African artist now touring North America makes his debut on Deadbeats today with one of his most anticipated tracks to date. With the promise of an EP in the near future, ‘Vultures’ catapults Chee into the new year in the most menacing way imaginable and gets everyone hyped for what’s to come.

Looming and sinister in typical Chee fashion, ‘Vultures’ begins with a haunting aura that induces goosebumps from the get-go. Gradually building to the climax with pulses of bass, Chee then unleashes fury in the form of halftime madness as his signature synths, percussion and vocal cuts mesh together seamlessly. Shortly after the two-minute mark, listeners are hit with a hint of melodic, old school dubstep to really add a cherry on top of the already-impressive track. ‘Vultures’ is prime Chee, where intensity-building lows and chaotic highs join cohesively to form a well-rounded piece. Don’t miss it below.

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