Music Festivals Are About More Than Just The Line Up

by Arielle Lana LeJarde

Now I’m not saying that music festivals aren’t made to enjoy the music—they absolutely are. And I’m definitely not saying that they’re just gathering spaces for people to just get fucked up and sloppy, either.

I’ve been going to festivals since I was in 8th grade, with my first being Warped Tour. But in 2014, I was brought into the world of electronic music, and man, was it different. Although I wouldn’t call myself a seasoned veteran in festival-going, I will say the one thing I learned is that even though it’s a music festival, there’s so much more to it than making every one of your favorite artists’ sets!

Here’s why going to a festival is so much more than the lineup:

#1: You probably won’t make all of the sets in your schedule anyway

When I went to EDC last year, I was hyped AF about the thicc lineup. Everyone I’ve ever wanted to see was going to perform. And if they weren’t on the phase 1 lineup, they were announced to play on the Brownies & Lemonade Art Car about a week before the event. Saying I was excited about seeing everyone in my schedule would be an understatement.

That Saturday, I ended up mostly alone, stage hopping because I wanted to have a “trap day” all to myself, but my friends wanted more diversity. Did I make all the sets? Absolutely not. Did I have FOMO for all the sets I missed? 100%. And did the sets I actually made live up to expectation? Not always. I’ve learned that exploring different stages brings you to music you’ll love that you probably wouldn’t have found on your own. And sometimes it’s more enjoyable to experience sets with your friends than it is to be alone.

#2: Festivals work hard to create an immersive experience

While music is what brings people to the space, there are so many amazing things to do at a festival. You can play games, look at art, do yoga, shop at different vendors (not to mention festival food is always amazing!), and so much more. If you have time between sets, take the chance to walk around and see all that the festival has to offer. You’ll be surprised at what you can run into!

I know I keep mentioning EDC, but it’s one of the best curated festivals I’ve been to. You can take a stroll down a lighted up memory lane, take photos with bright flowers, and walk into another dimension depending on what area you’re in! But even smaller festivals like Greatest Day Ever have booths giving out free Adidas bags! I seriously missed out on free shit because I was too concerned about missing a set. Learn from my mistakes.

#3: You’ll meet some of your best friends

I lowkey have social anxiety, so I haven’t experienced this first-hand. But I know so many people who’ve made lifelong friends after meeting randomly at a festival.

What I can say, though, is that going to festivals with some of my friends have seriously strengthened our relationships! One of my go-to coping mechanisms, when I’m going through a hard time, is attending a festival. There have been countless times where my homies will pull up even if they’re not a big fan of the music—just because they want to be there for me.

Music just brings people together in a way that no other experience can.

#4: It’s one of the best excuses to travel

Not everyone has unlimited paid time off, but if you have the opportunity to take a few days off before or after the festival to check out the area—do it. I recently attended Gem & Jam and got to see the incredible natural sights of Arizona and was seriously shook. I would have never gotten to see how amazing Arizona is unless I was there for a reason. For me, Gem & Jam was that reason. Now I’m just waiting for an excuse to go back.

Plus, if you have some long-distance friends you want to visit, you can always plan it around a festival in their area. You could also just visit your friends without an event happening… But I like to multi-task.

#5: It’s an escape from everyday reality

Let’s be real. Life is tough. Like I mentioned before, festivals have been my way of coping when I’m going through shit. Immersing yourself in music instead of sadness or anger can be healthy! Festivals are a time to dress up, get excited, experience new things, and meet new people. The event throwers make it so that you step into another universe, away from the troubles of real life. And everyone deserves a break some time.

With that being said, know your limits. Going non-stop to festivals can cause physical burnout, and shitty things can still happen in these magical places. I learned that the hard way. So when you’re at a festival make sure to take care of yourself as well as those around you. That’s what it’s all about!

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