Mixcloud Launches New ‘Legal’ Live Streaming Platform

by Alessio Anesi

We have seen live streaming of many kinds for the past 10 years, but there has never been be such a demand like the one we’re seeing in recent months. Since now it’s not just an option anymore but more like a necessity, it’s probable that 2020 will go down as a new year 0 for live streaming. After the first responses directly targeted against the lockdown situation (here and here), platforms are now shifting toward more long-term moves in order to create sustainable options suitable both for the current situation and beyond.

Mixcloud Live is the first music-focused feature to join the party and already appears to be the most interesting due to the fact that directly solves the most frequent issue related to DJ live streams: copyright troubles. Indeed, Mixcloud Live allows audio creators to live stream video via a legal and licensed platform which ensures the underlying artists and songwriters who get played,  get paid. In few words, that means no more takedowns or muted audio caused by licensing issues. This is possible because, different from Youtube, Twitch, Facebook/Instagram Live, Mixcloud’s plan works with a pay per play license similar to the ones used by radio stations and royalty companies. According to the official statement, the release of the feature has been rushed to match the sensational demand of live streaming solutions and it’s still in Beta, but it’s now available for all the PRO Creators members here.

What is Pro Creator?

It’s Mixcloud premium account. Upstream of a monthly fee ($15) it guarantees a wide range of analytics, customization and monetization tools like the SELECT program. In occasion of the launch of Mixcloud Live, Pro Creator is now available, for a limited time, with an extended 90 day trial.

Go here for more info about Live and check out Mixcloud’s other initiatives in response to COVID-19.

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