Climbing out from the ruins of rhythm, comes an artist who gifts us with gems and riches. AENEAS is back with a brand new single called ‘DIAMOND.’ This beat crafter is no joke when it comes to his work. Putting in the true passion and skills it takes to create unique and special works of art. Perfectly fitting within the hip-hop and trap scene. Every release holding a spice you can’t obtain anywhere else. From nasty 808s, to futuristic atmospheres, the artist is cutting through the industry like butter. Making his own mark within the music scene. And impressing many to the core. So buckle up, because this single is a journey through the mines of time.
‘DIAMOND’ is a perfect and classic sounding trap vibe. It contains everything you’ve ever wanted within a beat. From heavy drums, a slick 808 and some addicting melodies, there’s no telling what you’ll hear next. AENEAS is an artist who cares deeply about each piece he inserts. Taking care and polishing every bit to end up with a memorable masterpiece. Each drop also has its own flavor to it. And the use of those brass stabs will leave you with a big smile on your face. From beginning to end, everything comes together in unison. Creating a satisfying feeling to the conclusion. Making the listener want more.
AENEAS is a name you want to remember. His craftsmanship within production is truly remarkable. We’re sure he’s got some heat coming in the new year. So make sure to go support by streaming ‘DIAMOND’ everywhere!