TWO LANES Travel To The Moon With ‘Another Time’

by John Donahue

TWO LANES are back once again to sing us all a lullaby of good health. Their newest single, ‘Another Time’ is a heart-wrenching masterpiece. And with the help of singer/songwriter, Kwesi, it’ll tug at your strings and caress your wounded mental space. Healing all what was broken into something purely everlasting. Their constant amount of passion for music has always been shown and heard in every way. Their melodies will put you into a space you truly needed throughout the hardest times in life. And turning this on during those late-night hours will completely take your breath away. With tears streaming down at a constant rate with each listen due to its sheer strength of beauty.

For this song we took a very acoustic approach. Throughout last year we experimented a lot with recording real pianos and percussions and tried to incorporate these sounds more and more into our tracks. In ‘Another Time’ we blend together acoustic instruments with electronic elements. This gives the track a very special color and we are excited to finally share it with the world.

‘Another Time’ shines a brand new light through the darkness. Saving one soul after another. TWO LANES have a memorable and gorgeous way of incorporating natural instruments and sounds. Taking their art to new heights. Blessing everyone along the way. The natural flow and acoustic-filled space takes up all of your attention. It’s a soothing oasis of bliss. Leaving nothing but smiles and inspiration across the spectrum. From the beginning containing a soft and airy piano, to incorporating Kwesi’s star-striking vocals, everyone apart of this journey served a greater purpose for all. Do not sleep on this one by streaming ‘Another Time’ everywhere via bitbird.

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