ALEPH Concocts Innovative Soundscapes In ‘POLYMER’

by Steph Contant

The first single from ALEPH‘s long-awaited debut album is finally here. Released via Renraku, ‘POLYMER’ erases all notions of song structure, genres and boundaries, and instead explores unfamiliar arrangements to mold an otherworldly journey. In ALEPH’s words, “I’ve abandoned genre and template long ago and will always strive to write music not bound by tradition, culture, or structure. I have an infinite canvas of sound to paint with, I just want to see how far I can take it.”

Doing just that, the talented artist draws influence from a plethora of musical outlets to create a vivid, electrifying piece that only builds further anticipation for what’s to come. Peculiar strings in the introduction create immediate intrigue, as listeners are left wondering where ‘POLYMER’ is headed sonically. Soon after, ALEPH pummels one with bass and metallic percussion to add intensity to the piece without omitting musicality. Continuing to add layers of meticulous effects and building upon the hyper-futuristic textures, the artist keeps the energy alive for the duration of the track, closing it out as beautifully as it opened.

The start of a story that I’ve been wanting to tell for a very long time is finally beginning to unfold. See you on the other side,” says ALEPH. We’re itching in anticipation. Don’t miss ‘POLYMER’ below.

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