sumthin sumthin And Player Dave Drift Deep Into An Oasis With ‘Narrow’

by John Donahue

Floating through an angelic and mysterious dreamscape, sumthin sumthin and Player Dave bless us all with ‘Narrow.’ A brand new collaboration between two artists who continue to shape new routes for the underground and electronic music as a whole. Inspiring artists all around while delivering top-tier creations through frequency. Perfectly crafted and balanced from beginning to end. Hypnotizing you wherever you go.

2021 was a big and successful year for both icons. From Player Dave’s incredible and monumental album to sumthin sumthin creating timeless hits, they destroyed the competition. And this being their third time creating together, they wanted to really go all out on this. Joining forces yet again and combining their brand new skills and techniques they’ve learned throughout their journeys. So prepare for a spiritual awakening like never before.

‘Narrow’ targets the audience’s souls and spirits. Not only giving you life but also soothing the mental state for a peaceful and satisfying outcome. A complete 50/50 tune that highlights both their styles perfectly. Intertwining signature sounds while integrating new sources of energy. It’s truly inspiring to the core. Leaving feelings of determination and inner peace. A rare and priceless aftereffect.

From a gentle and forward-thinking arrangement to their classic sounding techniques throughout, it surpasses any sort of expectations and then some. Completely washing you over with passion and adoration for music as a whole, while sharing how much they’ve evolved as musicians. Something all of us can learn from. Each section is completely different but still holds the same soul-driving energy which ties everything together. Making every sound, rhythmic pattern and effect work in harmony. A track that will last throughout the ages. We’re very excited to see where they go next. But for now, make sure to go support by streaming ‘Narrow.’


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