cozy kev Orchestrates A Symphony Of Evolution With ‘HOLY RAIN’

by John Donahue

cozy kev‘s creations can not only put you into a trance but also elevate your greatest emotions. Swirling around your aura like bees to pollen. Implementing rhythmic movements and melodic structures beyond belief. Instantly transporting listeners into a peaceful realm not yet discovered. Delivering what the audience desires while evolving his own strategies and vision. Pushing for an even better tomorrow. And with his newest single, ‘HOLY RAIN,’ he’s showcasing a brand new chapter for his art. Pushing the limits yet again and discovering a new sound to add to his techniques! A track to truly make you feel empowered and free.

The first drop was really intended to make you feel cool. I thought of riding through a city with the top down, just feeling myself haha. The second drop was made to intensify the emotion of the song and really just summarize the whole idea as a constant buildup into that second drop. It gets heavier as well, as I’m trying to show people that I’m gradually getting into a heavier style of music.  – cozy kev

‘HOLY RAIN’ showers your heart with gritty and euphoric qualities. Lifting you in the air to a new dimension. Creating an everlasting feeling which spreads throughout your body. From an angelic atmosphere and bubbly sound design, to a heavy and impactful sonic surprise at the end, it’ll leave listeners dazed and reborn. Letting go of the bad while welcoming in what’s to come. cozy kev’s signature style shines on a brand new level from beginning to end. Making you fall in love with his art all over again while becoming ecstatic for what’s to come through this new chapter in his book of memories. Whatever he delivers next, we’re excited to hear where he goes! So make sure to show your support by streaming ‘HOLY RAIN’ everywhere!

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