munro And MarMar Pays Homage To Unconfined Passion Within The Community With ‘Coexistence’

by John Donahue

Helping listeners shed the past while embracing the true spirit of music, munro, and MarMar have teamed up for ‘Coexistence.’ A beautiful and luminescent poem of sound through whimsical melodies, fast-paced drum structures, and colorful vocal chops. Wrapped all together in a bow of passion, integrity, and honor. The perfect gift to listen to through this holiday season no matter where you are. Both munro and MarMar’s styles intertwine gorgeously throughout this wonderous piece. The brisk emotion, raw sound design, and star-striking arrangement can make anyone fall into pieces in the best ways possible. Paying true honor to their upbringings and the spirits who have touched their souls along the way. Making them into the artists and humans they are today.

From a cinematic introduction filled with glitch-infused sound design, cosmic vocals, and playful percussion, it instantly hooks the listener as it travels with haste through your heart. Amplifying its characteristics with every given second. Constantly introducing something new while maintaining the sole purpose and message throughout. It’s a fairy tale come to life through such gentle and wondrous execution. Creating an atmosphere for all to feel welcome.

It’s songs like these that really make you appreciate these artists and music as a whole. Having pure faith in where it’s going. Easily making these two a powerful and healing duo. So make sure to show your support by streaming ‘Coexistence’ everywhere via bitbird!

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