LAUTRE. And Hearsay Cross Dimensions Of Unrelenting Power With ‘ALONE.’

by John Donahue

Entering 2024 with an explosion of organic and energetic frequencies, LAUTRE. and Hearsay introduce their collaboration, ‘ALONE.’ This piece is full of powerful characteristics from both sides. Forming an exciting and mind-boggling alliance against the darkness. Displaying healthy and memorable teamwork all around. From beginning to end, listeners will be fully immersed thanks to the cinematic environment along with an addictive static flow. Turning the space into a lawless jungle. Making the audience embrace this unlimited amount of perseverance and empowerment.

“We first met in a Capshun Twitch stream. From there we started chatting and sending tunes back and forth and Lautre sent us a portion of what would become the final track and as soon as we heard it we knew we had to work on it. From there it was pretty seamless and here we are, proudly presenting ALONE!” – Hearsay

From crisp, wild drum selections, a mysterious whispering vocal, and massive sound design that’s ready to be heard throughout coming events, you’ll be eager to hit the replay button over and over. Making each listening session purely satisfying and addicting to the core. Making you want to hear this tune live as soon as possible! Due to its action-packed spirit flowing throughout, this tune highly compliments everyone’s styles and executions. Hearing an easy fifty-fifty contribution. This is an absolute staple for the label as well as themselves. Their journeys have yet again started a new chapter, and from the sound of it, this year will be their biggest yet. So make sure to show your support by streaming ‘ALONE’ everywhere via Tribal Trap! You won’t want to miss what’s coming next.

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