Guest Mix + Interview – drak

by John Donahue

Over the years, drak has built up an impressive and unique catalog. His fluent and colorful techniques create such beautiful and unforgettable spaces to get lost in. Whether you’re strolling down a long highway, or sitting by the beach embracing the sun’s rays, his music can fit many different environments. From hard-hitting sound design, crisp rich drum choices to angelic melodic structures to make your bodies shiver with glee, he’s continued to impress and exceed expectations. Even his album drakdrakdrak highlights everything we’ve come to know and admire about his journey! From releases with Partica Artist Group and Phuture Collective to working with other wonderful musicians such as GURF, Robu, and LASSE.

So it’s with our greatest honor and pleasure to welcome him for his very own guest mix and interview! Within is packed full of mind-enriching tones, frequencies, and rhythmic structures. We also talk about his beginnings along with where he wants to head in the future to come!

First, thank you so much for taking the time to join us! How’re you doing? 

Thank you so much for having me! I’m doing well- trying to stay cool in this 90 degree weather we’re having over in NY.

What can listeners expect when diving into this incredible mix? 

Like most projects I put out, a little bit of everything. there are some unreleased songs from friends, all-time fav tunes, music I’ve been listening to recently, and plenty of drak ids!

I’ve never been good at finishing songs, so the album really forced me to finish a lot of stuff that I probably would’ve just given up on otherwise.

Congratulations on your debut album ‘drakdrakdrak.’ Such a stellar project. What was the creative process like creating it? What were some of the major challenges you had to face? 

Thank you!! It was quite the journey. At first, I didn’t know what I wanted the album to be- I just knew that I wanted to make one. I started making songs, discarding songs, revisiting old songs, and the project just kinda slowly revealed itself to me. I’ve never been good at finishing songs, so the album really forced me to finish a lot of stuff that I probably would’ve just given up on otherwise. The most challenging thing about making ‘drakdrakdrak’ was finding time and energy to actually make it happen. Between working a full-time, labor intensive job, having a girlfriend, a dog, and just generally being busy, quality time to sit down and create was hard to come by. There were a lot of days where I had to force myself to work on the album when I really only had energy to lay down after work and go on my phone.

Throughout the years, your sound has continued to evolve and become an everlasting essence of harmony, where do you see your project in the next 5 or 6 years down the line? 

I honestly have no idea. I definitely want to put out more albums in the future, but I couldn’t possibly tell you what kind of music will be on them. I think playing shows would be cool, but all I really want is for people to appreciate and resonate with my music in some way. To me, the album format is the most appealing way to achieve this.

Have you always wanted to take this creative path or were you pursuing something before your journey started? 

Ever since I first started using fl studio, I knew that music production was for me. I was 16 and hadn’t done much creatively besides some writing and playing piano/bass clarinet. Producing scratched an itch I didn’t even know I had- it gave me the chance to make any kind of sound I wanted, something that I could never achieve with a traditional instrument.

Growing up, what kind of music were your parents playing in the house and do those styles and artists influence your works today? 

There was a lottt of classic rock in the car. Q104.3, 92.3 K-Rock, 95.9 The Fox… anyone from New York probably remembers those stations. I really don’t think they influenced my music that much though. When I was alone in my room, I would listen to Hot 97 on my little mp3 player. And scary monsters and nice sprites. That was middle school.

If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

I’ve never really wanted to be a DJ, so I don’t have an answer for this. Anywhere where people are actually engaged and there for the music, I guess.

I think there’s still just as much heat on SoundCloud today as there was 5, 10 years ago- you just have to know where to look.

What are your thoughts on the electronic trap scene and its environment currently? Where do you see the movement going?

The electronic trap scene will always hold a special place in my heart. I love all of the little offshoots it’s produced, the subgenres-within-subgenres. I think there’s still just as much heat on SoundCloud today as there was 5, 10 years ago- you just have to know where to look. It seems like there’s discourse every couple of months on the state of electronic trap, whether it’s people debating on if it should be called “trap,” debating whether or not it’s dead, or declaring that “trap is back!!!” I think the fact that all of this discourse exists shows that people do care about it, even if it may not be represented in a lot of edm festivals. I don’t see trap ever dying- between producers like Isoxo, LYNY, and Jon Casey, as well as collectives like Partica Artist Group, I think the future of trap is in good hands.

Do you have any specific hobbies you like to do or are trying to get into outside of the music realm?

Yes! I am very into disc golf, and try going upstate to play at least a couple times a month. A new course at a park near me in NYC just opened, so I’m very excited about that. once I can afford a new computer I plan on getting more into video editing and making videos, both music related and non-music related. I’m also a big Mets fan!

I think regular people making the best of their lives and the lives of people around them is inspiring…

Besides music, what or who inspires you today?

Music is definitely my main source of inspiration, so that’s a tough one. I think going to shows and seeing artists I like showcasing their art is inspirational. I think regular people making the best of their lives and the lives of people around them is inspiring, whether on a TV screen or in real life. I’m not too big on influencers or role models.

What are your top 5 pieces of cinema? Can be either a show or movie in any form! 

Uncut Gems is my favorite movie of all time. Love how frenetic it is, love that it’s an NYC movie made with actual New Yorkers, love everything about it. The Princess Bride is also one of my all time favorites. I love silly shows about ridiculous people, so I’d put Trailer Park Boys and always sunny up there too. I’ll give my final spot to Westworld, which had the best first couple of seasons of any show I’ve ever watched.

Just make good music, make good friends, and make good tiktoks. That should do it.

For those wanting to get into this crazy industry in any fashion, what advice would you bestow upon them? 

I don’t really consider myself “in the industry” so I have no idea!! Just make good music, make good friends, and make good tiktoks. That should do it.

Now that you’ve accomplished such a huge goal with your album, what’s next for you and the rest of 2024? 

I have a mostly-done ep that I may or may not decide to release! Besides that, I’m just going to try to promote my album and release a few singles to put drak on the map again.

Any final words you’d like to share with our viewers and listeners? 

If you’ve made it this far you are truly goated. If you’ve already listened to ‘drakdrakdrak,’ thank you. If you haven’t listened, you probably should- there’s a little something for everyone on there. I hope you all enjoy the mix and I hope to connect with as many of you as I can! I love you all.

drak FUXWITHIT Guest Mix Tracklist

drak- ID
ql1x- ID
Dink The Poof- ID
golden child x asáu- mahahaha
drak- ID
drak- runwild
Robu- Just like that
drak- ID
drak- cloak
Space Laces – D.A.W (Jon Casey Flip) (drak flip- unreleased)
drak- ID
Olswel- 2012
milye- Libelle
drak- ID
drak- FRIGHT (alternate version- unreleased)
golden child x asáu- mahahaha (drak remix- unreleased)
drak- ID
GURF x wasteurself- ID
episcool x drak- ID
aprovoli- separated

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