

  • 13 has been consistently crafting some of the most top shelf midtempo heat of the past two years. With two ludicrous EP’s showcasing his impeccable sound design and hypnotizing arrangements already released in 2019, this man has been on an absolute warpath. Now, he’s continued his reign of audio terror with his newest release ‘Mirage,’ a track so thick you’ll…

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  • BassBLOG

    13: Old World Order, New Age Noise

    by Alex Bell
    by Alex Bell

    When one thinks about the number 13, several things come to mind. For centuries, it has carried a mysterious air, eliciting a sense of foreboding. Superstitiously, it has become synonymous with bad luck, eliciting mental images of black cats, witches, and tip-toeing through Fridays. In ancient Sumeria, 12 was found to be the “perfect” number, with 13 seemingly becoming an…

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  • BLOGRap

    Tre’ Crowell – At The Podium

    by Kash
    by Kash

    Real life raps. On Tre’ Crowell’s Audiomack page, the track description reads “real life raps” and it couldn’t be more accurate. This young independent artist coming from Houston displays a great level of lyricism and depth in subject matter. The track, “At The Podium” walks the listener through Crowell’s journey as a young cat trying to come up in the game…

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