

  • 60 weeks deep and still bringing you heat. This week we kick things off with a club rework of Drake’s ‘Legend’ from Shaunic. The artist’s description “made this because i felt that their aren’t enough drake remixes in the world” is almost as awesome as the track itself. From there we move into bangers from Fabian Mazur, Inkyz, and Aazar.…

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  • This week we’ve got one of our most eclectic FUXWITHITFRIDAYS yet. With everything from deep house, trap, twerk, and Jersey club to rap and grime. A few standouts include NIGHTOWLS remix of Jack U and Bieber, Aazar’s latest twerk anthem, an infectious rework from Wax Motif and gLAdiator, and two incredible Drake remixes. As always this knocks from start to…

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