
odd future

  • Rap

    Odd Future – SC Playlist

    by darylsstewart
    by darylsstewart

    There’s a lot of music out there. If a song or record doesn’t catch you on the first listen, you might stick it away in the closet forever. But if you’ve missed something important, you can be sure we will let you know about it. If you’re not a fan of Tyler, Earl, Hodgy, Domo and the rest of the Odd…

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  • Rap

    Earl Sweatshirt – 45

    by darylsstewart
    by darylsstewart

    There hasn’t been a helluva lot of music coming from Odd Future lately. I guess they’ve been busy giving away custom cars and getting ready for their carnival. Seriously. However, an extremely short but amazing track from Earl has surfaced, and it’ll have you begging for more. Less than a minute long, ’45’ features some hazy, half-drunk production and fierce…

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