Rezz Is Out Snatching Souls Again With Her New ‘Beyond the Senses’ EP

by Theo Newhall

Rezz, or as her fans affectionately call her, “Space Mom,” has been on the cutting edge of EDM’s new take on Electro since her debut 5 years ago. Mau5trap’s brightest pupil by a long shot, Rezz hit the ground running with several out of this world bangers that quickly made her a fan favorite amongst the ravers that had been missing the hard, gritty sounds of that dark, house adjacent dance music that had all but disappeared from the scene in the wake of trap music & future bass.

Since then, her signature style has played a key role in the resurgence of this dark style of headbanging electro-dub with a twist; making room for powerhouses such as Hvdes, BTSM, 1788-L, Blanke, and many, many more.

Needless to say, when we found out her new EP was dropping this week, and in virtual reality, no less, the excitement was palpable. This was actually the first live virtual reality EP release ever. As in never before in the history of mankind, has this ever been done, ever. It was pretty spectacular to be part of that historic moment Tuesday night as Rezz put on a truly tripped out experience that you absolutely must get into when you have the time.

As for the music itself, I was very pleased to hear how much our Space Queen had improved since Certain Kind of Magic. With Beyond the Senses she’s has managed to tweak and improve her signature sound to represent several different styles within the main body of work while still sounding quintessentially, “Rezz.”

Although the EP is packed with features, the first track, ‘Dark Age’ is all Rezz, and starts the EP off as it should; firing on all cylinders and showcasing all the things we’ve come to know and love from the raver turned superstar. It’s heavy, its spacey, it’s twisted, it’s dark, it’s dance-y.

Her collaboration with Underoath is also certainly worth mentioning here as well, and might actually be the heaviest track on the EP depending on who you talk to. Every time I see a rock/hardcore group collaborating with an EDM artist I’m always skeptical about things will turn out, but this one was very well executed.

From there, the energy of the EP gets seriously next-level with three absolutely massive collaborations featuring Deathpact, EDDIE, & Sayer, that are going to be knocking fans knew and old into next week, well into their hundredth play-through. ‘Your Soul Will Never Be Released’ & ‘Stress’ are the clear underdog bangers here next to, ‘Kiss of Death’ but are going to be definite favorites within the bass music community.

Finally, this collaboration with The Rigs is a deep emotive ballad centering around smooth, crystal clear vocals, gentle piano, and a dangerously, electrifying bassline. This was probably the biggest surprise for me in the whole EP, both because of how much I liked it, and also because of how much of a departure it was from the rest of the release. Definitely well played.

Beyond the Senses is a fantastic addition to Rezz’s ever expanding catalogue of gritty, hypnotic, space jams; and overall might just be her best EP yet, which is huge considering it’s a solo release.

So go grab a copy and tell your neighbors to shut up, ’cause Space Mom’s done it again.

Catch Rezz on Tour this fall!

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