PREMIERE: Josh Teed Casually Strolls You To Your Doom With ‘Ominous’

by Alex Bell

New Hampshire based violinist and bass music producer Josh Teed is a man with astounding amounts of musical versatility. Combining classical elements with all the best aspects of contemporary productions, this is an artist that has honed in on his own truly individual sound. As of late, he’s been galavanting around the festival circuit with the support of his live band, further pushing his unique melding of styles. Today, we’ve had the pleasure of premiering his spookiest track so far, ‘Ominous,’ a piece that perfectly matches the ever increasing Halloween aesthetic this time of year.

Many people nowadays don’t actually listen to a song all the way through in one play. Personally, I tend to skip to the build up of a track to get the meat and potatoes of the piece, sidestepping the introduction almost entirely. ‘Ominous’ firmly changed my mind about this mindset, creating an airy, foreboding soundscape that doesn’t command, but rather firmly entices your full attention from the opening notes. The pacing of this track is easy to lose yourself in, with no parts feeling rushed and each idea becoming fully fleshed-out before transitioning to the next. Tracks that have extended intros sometimes have the listener wishing they’d just get to the drop, but it works exceedingly well in this case, feeling like you’re experiencing a complete adventure from start to finish. The build is exceptionally timed, and the drop’s layers are crisp, diverse, and a true pleasure to listen to repeatedly.

To maintain a consistent mood throughout a piece is a tricky feat to accomplish, but Teed masterfully executes this in ‘Ominous’. Making you think you really could be at the beginning of your own horror movie, this latest production could readily become a fall favorite amongst fans of everything that go bump in the night. Make sure to check out ‘Ominous’ for yourself below!

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