ca•thar•sis: the relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through a work of art, as of tragedy. /kəˈθɑrsɪs/:the relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyya wyoyrk of art, as of tragedy A star is born ladies and gentlemen. Please stand up in front of your screens or wherever you are and give a standing ovation to the brightest star in the web firmament…
Alessio Anesi
“Yeah, msft, Bushbaby, Marble”. Take note, it’s when these last words will echo in the outro that you’ll be able to breathe again. You must be physically prepared, ‘Jaws’ is one hell of a packed experience, a song that keeps flipping from one dynamic to the other like an hectic roller-coaster. The ride starts in full msft mode, nice and slow,…
Imagine yourself inside St. Peter’s Cathedral. The closing hour for public has now passed. While everything is wrapped in semi-darkness, you can still catch a glimpse of the grandiose colonnade, the giant transept and the immense dome. The masterpieces born from the legendary hands of Michelangelo, Raphael and Giotto are your only companions and the silence is absolute. An aux…
While disco and funk seem to be the new rising fashions, I’m firmly convinced that there’s still so many stories to be told with today’s trending sounds. Especially when it comes to the experimental scene, it’s only a matter of understanding the possibilities. With this premiere, we’d like to put the spotlight on three fine gentlemen who have taken up…
Despite constant claims that SoundCloud is dead, the platform continues to be the lifeblood of the underground. It’s the breeding ground for innovative new sounds and THE place to find the best new artists. While the volume of quality is higher than ever, the mass of mediocrity is equally at its apex. Thankfully there are a number of underground labels…
If Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ had a soundtrack, it would be exactly this one. It’s not an overstatement, ‘(The) Evening’ is a masterwork, I’m not afraid to say it. It’s a flawless project that owns the colors and emotions of the sunsets, the magic of a reverie, the magnetism of a smile. While we couldn’t expect less from such a…
Just a couple of days ago we celebrated the ‘Stranger Things Day’, but, to be honest, it’s still a long road to summer 2019. Eight more months are enough to kill the resistance of even the most hardcore fans, who are screaming for a new little glimpse of the Upside Down. Luckily for us Wave fans, Sorsari came to our…
It’s been a week already, but traces of the spooky Halloween atmosphere are still spinning strong all around SoundCloud. Our long time favourites, Stööki Sound, joined the fray too and they’ve made it in the most explicit way possible. I’m not an expert, but when I see a track called ‘Bob Gray’, I know something scary is coming. The British…
You thought that FUXWITHIT wasn’t able to treat you gently anymore? Maybe we’ve been a little carried away with the heavy beats lately, but you know, we were in full festival mode the past 5 months. Anyway, today I want to prove that we’re still the same good guys as always, by cuddling you through these cold autumn evenings with…
Chuurch and Strange Future have made a lot of noise with their body melting collaboration ‘Rabbit Hole.’ Since its release a lot of eyes have been stuck on them waiting for their next moves. We are so proud to be able to bring you to wonderland through the premiere of the official ‘Rabbit Hole’ remix pack. The ‘slowmo/space/bass/rap’ original has undergone…